How College Sports Nation Host Mark Packer Knew About the Recently Discovered O.J. Knife For 22 Years
Talk about March Madness, this might be the craziest story you’ll hear all month. For nearly 22 years, SiriusXM College Sports Nation host Mark Packer has known about the recently discovered knife that was allegedly buried in O.J. Simpson’s back yard….sort of. “I … Continued

Talk about March Madness, this might be the craziest story you’ll hear all month. For nearly 22 years, SiriusXM College Sports Nation host Mark Packer has known about the recently discovered knife that was allegedly buried in O.J. Simpson’s back yard….sort of.
“I know where the knife is…It’s on O.J.’s property.”
One week after the tragic murders of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman, Mark Packer traveled to Los Angeles with psychic detective John Monti. After 5 days, Packer and Monti went to Simpson’s home with an Entertainment Tonight camera crew, where Monti declared that there was a knife buried on the property.
Crazy, right? Packer told the full story on his SiriusXM show, College Sports Today:
Packer and Monti immediately requested a search warrant but were denied and the lead ended there…until now.
Check out the footage from Entertainment Tonight:
In an even crazier twist, a retired police officer recently turned over a knife that was given to him by a construction worker who said he found it buried on O.J. Simpson’s property sometime after his murder trial.
“If the guy is right, we are on the biggest story in the history of mankind.”
Could it be the same knife? The LAPD are still running forensic tests on the knife for DNA. Mark Packer said he saved every note he took during his trip, so if the police need any information, they can find him on SiriusXM College Sports Nation, Channel 84.

Mark Packer (left) with psychic detective John Monti outside O.J. Simpson’s home.
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