Joe Madison The Black Eagle
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President Barack Obama: World Politics Is "Just Like High School"; Vladimir Putin Was "The Biggest Challenge" As A Foreign Leader

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President Barack Obama to Joe Madison, on the best and worst world leaders to deal with: "I think that the biggest challenge during my Presidency was dealing with Putin. Putin of Russia. Even though, personally, he and I were always courteous with each other, the fact of the matter is that he was suspicious of America, resented American power and his belief that we had taken advantage of Russia when it was flat on its back after the end of the Cold War. And as I described in the book, you know, he's sort of like an old war buff kind of style of politics. It's all about what's in it for me and my crew and not necessarily thinking about broader issues." ・・・ Listen to more of the Madison Show anytime on the SiriusXM app:
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Joe Madison The Black Eagle
President Barack Obama: World Politics Is "Just Like High School"; Vladimir Putin Was "The Biggest Challenge" As A Foreign Leader