Joe Madison The Black Eagle
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Courtney B. Vance: "The Soldier Turned His Bayonet on Me"

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Actor Courtney B. Vance, on what was his defining moment: "We grew up in Detroit in '68, with the riots in '67, and we lived on West Grand Boulevard, and the tanks came right down our street. And I was into G.I. Joe, and I went down, we were sitting on our, our house looked right down onto, and we had a long front lawn that went down to the Boulevard, and I saw a G.I. Joe and I took off, before my parents could get me. Because I was going to get G.I. Joe! And the soldier turned his bayonet on me. And I was in shock by the time my mother and father were on me, and they pulled me back. Defining moment."
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Joe Madison The Black Eagle
Courtney B. Vance: "The Soldier Turned His Bayonet on Me"