The Dean Obeidallah Show: Are Muslims being banned from Trump rallies?
This Saturday is the one-year anniversary of my program and we have a great LIVE show planned to mark the occasion. We will be speaking with a Muslim man who was thrown out of two recent Trump rallies for trying … Continued

Win two tickets to Dean Obeidallah’s Big Brown Comedy Show (monthly in New York City). Transportation not included. Must be 18 or older. Bid here.
This Saturday is the one-year anniversary of my program and we have a great LIVE show planned to mark the occasion. We will be speaking with a Muslim man who was thrown out of two recent Trump rallies for trying to counter anti-Muslim bigotry, Aasif Mandvi from The Daily Show will join me and much more.
Can comedy counter hate? The Daily Show’s long time correspondent Aasif Mandvi will be on to talk/joke about the insanity that is the GOP race for president. Plus he will discuss his comedic online series he produced and stars in that counters anti-Muslim bigotry called, Halal in the Family.
President Obama’s uses State of the Union to counter anti-Muslim bigotry. Congressman Andre Carson (D-IN), one of the two Muslim Americans currently serving in Congress, will be back on the show. Carson will give us some insight into why Obama called out Trump’s Muslim bashing and share some inside info on the race between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.
Why do hate crimes against minorities tend to spike around elections? Dalia Mogahed, the Director of Research at the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, will join me to talk about how the hateful words of politicians like Donald Trump can not only embolden that bigots, it can inspire hate crimes. Mogahed will also share what it was like for her being a guest on Comedy Central’s The Daily Show last week.
Muslims not wanted at Trump events? Activist Jibril Hough was recently thrown out of two Trump rallies and subject to some hateful words simply for wanting to counter anti-Muslim bigotry. But as Hough will explain, he was inspired by the support and kind words he received from some Trump supporters.
I hope you check out my special anniversary show. And better yet, give us a call and be a part of the conversation at 877-974-7487.
My show airs live every Saturday at 10am to noon ET on SiriusXM Insight (Ch 121) and repeats several times over the weekend. It is also available On Demand. Hope you check it out and better yet give us a call during the show to “Ask a Muslim” a question, discuss issues of the week or even be contestant on our weekly segment “Name That Religion.” And as always, I want to be your Muslim friend – so if you don’t have one follow me on Twitter at @deanofcomedy and I’ll follow you back or ask me questions at
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