The Dean Obeidallah Show: What is it like to be marked for death by ISIS?!
It’s one thing for ISIS to make broad threats against the West. It’s quite a different thing when ISIS declares it wants to kill you by name. On my LIVE show Saturday morning I’ll be joined by Imam Suhaib Webb, … Continued

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It’s one thing for ISIS to make broad threats against the West. It’s quite a different thing when ISIS declares it wants to kill you by name. On my LIVE show Saturday morning I’ll be joined by Imam Suhaib Webb, a Muslim American activist that ISIS declared this week they want killed.
On Wednesday, ISIS named certain Muslim Americans they wanted executed because they had been very visible in making American Muslims become a part of the fabric of our country and for criticizing ISIS. As I detailed in my article for the Daily Beast, the list included many well-known Muslim Americans such as Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN), one of the two Muslims in Congress, and Imam Webb. Interestingly, Ellison, Webb and every Muslim American that ISIS has marked for death have also been attacked by the anti-Muslim bigots in America for years. Imam Webb will share what it’s like to have ISIS threaten to kill you by name and how he’s responding.
-Are Muslims feeling the Bern? Are they supporting Hillary? Are some actually Trump supporters? I’ll be joined by Dalia Mogahed from the Institute for Social Policy & Understanding (ISPU) to discuss how Muslims are viewing the 2016 presidential race. While the Republicans have been demonizing Muslims, Bernie and Hillary have been courting their vote. So who are Muslims supporting, especially in key swing states where they are big communities? Plus we will discuss the results of a new ISPU poll that found the more devout an American Muslim is the more patriotic they are to America.
-You are my guest. In this segment you, the SiriusXM listener is my guest. Here are the two topics for Saturday’s show:
-Would you vote for an atheist for president? Some have claimed that Bernie Sanders is an atheist, although he has responded that he has “very strong religious and spiritual feelings.” But what if Sanders were an atheist? Would it impact whether you vote for him or any other atheist running for office? Same question if a candidate was a Sikh or a Muslim?
-Has Bernie Sanders made it easier to discuss Palestinians as human beings? During Thursday’s Democratic debate, Bernie Sanders declared that we need to treat “the Palestinian people with respect and dignity” and we need to “help the Palestinian people.” This was truly a first by a leading presidential candidate. Will this have a lasting impact on how politicians discuss the Middle East conflict?
Hope you not only tune in to my LIVE show, but join the conversation at 877-974-7487. I want to hear what you think about these issues, plus join us for our weekly “Ask A Muslim” a question segment.
My show airs live every Saturday at 10 am to noon ET on SiriusXM Insight (Ch 121) and repeats several times over the weekend. It is also available On Demand. Hope you check it out and better yet give us a call during the show to “Ask a Muslim” a question, discuss issues of the week or even be contestant on our weekly segment “Name That Religion.” And as always, I want to be your Muslim friend – so if you don’t have one follow me on Twitter at @deanofcomedy and I’ll follow you back or ask me questions at
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