Dear Lisa Ann: Porn aspirations, fixing your dating profile + more!
Former No. 1 Adult Film Star Lisa Ann has been putting the “fantasy” in SiriusXM’s Fantasy Sports Radio every Monday night at 10 pm ET for awhile now, but she also knows a thing or two about real life. Each week, … Continued

Former No. 1 Adult Film Star Lisa Ann has been putting the “fantasy” in SiriusXM’s Fantasy Sports Radio every Monday night at 10 pm ET for awhile now, but she also knows a thing or two about real life. Each week, she’ll be answering your burning questions about sex, relationships and her personal life. This time around, she’s tackling: The difference between Facebook friends vs. real friends, managing her Psoriasis, and the after effects of a career in the adult film industry.
Dear Lisa Ann,
I’m huge fan. I’m a 18-year-old guy. I’m huge fan of porn and therefore want to join the industry. The thing is, I told my parents that I wanted to do this, but they are not very happy about it. The biggest problem is my mom. My dad is a bit okay with it, but my mom is not happy about this at all. Can you give me any advice on how to change her mind. If you could email me with some advice, I’d be really grateful. Thank you!
– Porn-renal Approval Needed
Dear Porn-renal Approval Needed,
There is an endless list of reasons “Porn Star” was not one if the options at career day. I am often faced with the confusion of the satisfied porn viewer, mainly due to the fact that the porn stars make it look so easy. You have to keep in mind there is a lot of editing done each scene, and it doesn’t always go smoothly. I spent many days watching male performers walk off set, dragging their ego as they failed to finish the scene. I can strongly say it is not as easy as it looks, especially for the male performer. That aside, there are a lot of negative pitfalls that come with the industry, and it is very hard for many to not fall into the lifestyle, which makes it impossible to make a lucrative career out of the industry. There are too many health issues for me to even list, but HIV & STDs would be at the top of the list. Did you know the average life span of a porn star is 37 years old, while the average life span of any person doing anything else, other than porn, is 78 years old? Think about that for a minute because that is BIG one. Your parents want you to be happy and have the best life possible, and your health plays a role in their thoughts. There is an entire world out there for you at 18 years old. You can still sit back and enjoy your porn, but have an open mind and explore other options for your future.
– Lisa Ann
Dear Lisa Ann,
First of all I am a big fan, and you are amazing. I need help dating. I have been on the dating sites and set up profiles, and I don’t seem to get any attention. I consider myself a good-looking guy who has a lot to offer. Maybe you can help me fix my profile or tell me what is wrong with it. I need all the help I can get. Thank you!
I have never done online dating, but I can imagine writing the profile is the trickiest part and the valuable first step. I suggest you go to your closest handful of family or friends, ask them about you, ask them what they suggest you write in your profile. I am sure they will surprise you with some pretty awesome things about yourself that may have gone unnoticed by you and left out of your profile. If anything else, you can strike up some fun conversations and laugh over some good memories. Have fun with it, keep it light, and take the advice of your nearest and dearest.
– Lisa Ann
Dear Lisa Ann,
I want to add this question to your Q&A. Which Super Bowl do you remember first growing up? Mine? Raiders vs. Eagles. 1980. Yeah, I’m getting old. Thanks for reading!
– Super (Bowl) Nostalgic
Dear Super (Bowl) Nostalgic,
The first Super Bowl that branded that day of the year in my memory was Super Bowl XIII in 1979. The match up was the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys. We always hosted the family Super Bowl Party, and I would make the posters we would hang in the door for decoration. Loved those colors, the excitement of the game and my love for the Dallas Cowboys began, even though they lost 35-31. Terry Bradshaw was the Super Bowl MVP, and I think of it when I watch him now doing NFL Sunday. I was 7 years old and already knew my world would revolve around sports one day.
– Lisa Ann
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