The Dean Obeidallah show: A Muslim vice presidential candidate?!
On my LIVE show Saturday morning I’ll be joined by Will Coley who is making history by being the first Muslim to seek the nomination for vice president of the United States. Coley is running with Darryl W. Perry for … Continued

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On my LIVE show Saturday morning I’ll be joined by Will Coley who is making history by being the first Muslim to seek the nomination for vice president of the United States. Coley is running with Darryl W. Perry for the Libertarian Party nomination. In a time when people like Ben Carson have stated that a Muslim shouldn’t be president and Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from coming to America, Coley is seeking to bring a Muslim voice to the national political scene. Is America ready for a Muslim in that position? What are the policy positions of the Libertarian Party? We will discuss that and more.
Will a President Trump ban London’s newly elected Muslim mayor? On Thursday the voters of London made history as they elected Sadiq Khan as their new Mayor. Khan, a London born Member of Parliament of Pakistani heritage, was able to overcome a ton of anti-Muslim hate sent his way by his opponents. But as I noted in my article for, will he be able to visit the United States if Trump is president given that he has called for “for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States?” And worse, 70 percent of Republicans agree with Trump’s ban and only 49 percent or Republicans even think Islam should be legal in America. Are there now more people embracing freedom of religion in England than in the United States, a country founded by people fleeing England in the 1600’s in search of freedom of religion?
Why won’t Trump denounce his supporters anti-Semitic attacks on Jewish journalists? Some of Trump’s protesters have been using Nazi imagery and even making death threats against Jewish reporters who have criticized Trump. as I detailed in my article for The Atlantic. Well on Wednesday, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer asked Trump if he had a message he wanted to send to these supporters to stop this type of hate. Shockingly Trump responded, “I have no message.” Comedian Scott Blakeman, who is Jewish, will join me to discuss the vile anti-Semitic attacks. We will contrast Trump’s response to Blitzer to leaders like Ronald Reagan and Bernie Sanders, who made it clear that they wanted no support from bigots.
You are my guest. In this segment, it’s you, the SiriusXM listener, that’s my guest. The issue this week:
Which is stronger/more concerning: the “Never Hillary” or “Never Trump” movements? We heard House Speaker Paul Ryan say this week he can’t support Trump – at least not yet. While other Republicans have made it clear they want no part of Trump like Senator Lindsey Graham. But there are also the “Bernie or bust” people who have stated they will never support Hillary. Are both groups part of the problem or part of the solution?
Hope you not only tune in to my LIVE show, but join the conversation at 877-974-7487. I want to hear what you think about these issues, plus join us for our weekly “Ask A Muslim” a question segment.
My show airs live every Saturday at 10 am to noon ET on SiriusXM Insight (Ch 121) and repeats several times over the weekend. It is also available On Demand. Hope you check it out and better yet give us a call during the show to “Ask a Muslim” a question, discuss issues of the week or even be contestant on our weekly segment “Name That Religion.” And as always, I want to be your Muslim friend – so if you don’t have one follow me on Twitter at @deanofcomedy and I’ll follow you back or ask me questions at
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